本文共 9297 字,大约阅读时间需要 30 分钟。
#!/usr/bin/env python#coding=utf-8#Author: Denglei#Email: dl528888@gmail.com#QQ: 244979152import MySQLdbimport datetimeimport xlwtimport sysfrom email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipartfrom email.mime.base import MIMEBasefrom email.mime.text import MIMETextfrom email.utils import COMMASPACE,formatdatefrom email import encodersimport osdef send_mail(server, fro, to, subject, text, files=[]): assert type(server) == dict assert type(to) == list assert type(files) == list msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = fro msg['Subject'] = subject msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(to) #COMMASPACE==', ' msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) msg.attach(MIMEText(text)) for f in files: part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') #'octet-stream': binary data part.set_payload(open(f, 'rb').read()) encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(f)) msg.attach(part) import smtplib smtp = smtplib.SMTP(server['name'], server['port']) smtp.ehlo() smtp.starttls() smtp.ehlo() smtp.login(server['user'], server['passwd']) smtp.sendmail(fro, to, msg.as_string()) smtp.close()def get_mysql_data(sql): cur.execute(sql) results=cur.fetchall() return resultsdef cover_excel(msg,start_time): #wb = xlwt.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet(start_time,cell_overwrite_ok=True) count=len(msg) x=msg title=['时间'.encode('utf8'),'所属组'.encode('utf8'),'主机IP'.encode('utf8'),'CPU逻辑核数(单位:个)'.encode('utf8'),'CPU空闲值(单位:%)'.encode('utf8'),'可用内存值(单位:GB)'.encode('utf8'),'总内存值(单位:GB)'.encode('utf8'),'公网进入流量(单位:kbps)'.encode('utf8'),'公网流出流量(单位:kbps)'.encode('utf8')] x.insert(0,title) for j in range(0,9): for i in range(0,count): if i == 0: #ws.write(i,j,title[j].decode('utf8')) value=x[0] else: value=x[i] if isinstance(value[j],long) or isinstance(value[j],int) or isinstance(value[j],float): ws.write(i,j,value[j]) else: ws.write(i,j,value[j].decode('utf8')) #wb.save('/tmp/zabbix_log/chance_zabbix_monitor_test.xls')def run_select(start_time,end_time): get_cpu_idle_sql="select from_unixtime(hi.clock,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%T') as Date,g.name as Group_Name,h.host as Host,round(avg(hi.value_avg),2) as Cpu_Idle from hosts_groups hg join groups g on g.groupid = hg.groupid join items i on hg.hostid = i.hostid join hosts h on h.hostid=i.hostid join trends hi on i.itemid = hi.itemid where i.key_='system.cpu.util[,idle]' and hi.clock >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 20:00:00') and hi.clock < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 00:00:00') and g.name like '%%广告%%' group by h.host;"%(start_time,end_time) cpu_idle_result=get_mysql_data(get_cpu_idle_sql) get_cpu_num_sql="select from_unixtime(hi.clock,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%T') as Date,g.name as Group_Name,h.host as Host,avg(hi.value_avg) as Cpu_Number from hosts_groups hg join groups g on g.groupid = hg.groupid join items i on hg.hostid = i.hostid join hosts h on h.hostid=i.hostid join trends_uint hi on i.itemid = hi.itemid where i.key_='system.cpu.num' and hi.clock >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 20:00:00') and hi.clock < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 00:00:00') and g.name like '%%广告%%' group by h.host;"%(start_time,end_time) cpu_num_result=get_mysql_data(get_cpu_num_sql) get_mem_avai_sql="select from_unixtime(hi.clock,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%T') as Date,g.name as Group_Name,h.host as Host,round(avg(hi.value_avg/1024/1024/1024),2) as Memory_Avaiable from hosts_groups hg join groups g on g.groupid = hg.groupid join items i on hg.hostid = i.hostid join hosts h on h.hostid=i.hostid join trends_uint hi on i.itemid = hi.itemid where i.key_='vm.memory.size[available]' and hi.clock >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 20:00:00') and hi.clock < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 00:00:00') and g.name like '%%广告%%' group by h.host;"%(start_time,end_time) mem_avai_result=get_mysql_data(get_mem_avai_sql) #get_mem_free_sql="select from_unixtime(hi.clock,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%T') as Date,g.name as Group_Name,h.host as Host,hi.value_avg/1024/1024/1024 as Memory_Avaiable from hosts_groups hg join groups g on g.groupid = hg.groupid join items i on hg.hostid = i.hostid join hosts h on h.hostid=i.hostid join trends_uint hi on i.itemid = hi.itemid where i.key_='vm.memory.size[free]' and hi.clock >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s') and hi.clock < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s') and g.name like '%%广告%%';"%(start_time,end_time) #mem_free_result=get_mysql_data(get_mem_free_sql) get_mem_total_sql="select from_unixtime(hi.clock,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%T') as Date,g.name as Group_Name,h.host as Host,round(avg(hi.value_avg/1024/1024/1024),2) as Memory_Total from hosts_groups hg join groups g on g.groupid = hg.groupid join items i on hg.hostid = i.hostid join hosts h on h.hostid=i.hostid join trends_uint hi on i.itemid = hi.itemid where i.key_='vm.memory.size[total]' and hi.clock >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 20:00:00') and hi.clock < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 00:00:00') and g.name like '%%广告%%' group by h.host;"%(start_time,end_time) mem_total_result=get_mysql_data(get_mem_total_sql) get_em2_in_sql="select from_unixtime(hi.clock,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%T') as Date,g.name as Group_Name,h.host as Host,round(avg(hi.value_avg/1000),2) as Network_Eth0_In from hosts_groups hg join groups g on g.groupid = hg.groupid join items i on hg.hostid = i.hostid join hosts h on h.hostid=i.hostid join trends_uint hi on i.itemid = hi.itemid where i.key_='net.if.in[em2]' and hi.clock >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 20:00:00') and hi.clock < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 00:00:00') and g.name like '%%广告%%' group by h.host;"%(start_time,end_time) em2_in_result=get_mysql_data(get_em2_in_sql) get_em2_out_sql="select from_unixtime(hi.clock,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%T') as Date,g.name as Group_Name,h.host as Host,round(avg(hi.value_avg/1000),2) as Network_Eth0_In from hosts_groups hg join groups g on g.groupid = hg.groupid join items i on hg.hostid = i.hostid join hosts h on h.hostid=i.hostid join trends_uint hi on i.itemid = hi.itemid where i.key_='net.if.out[em2]' and hi.clock >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 20:00:00') and hi.clock < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('%s 00:00:00') and g.name like '%%广告%%' group by h.host;"%(start_time,end_time) em2_out_result=get_mysql_data(get_em2_out_sql) msg=[list(i) for i in cpu_num_result] for i in msg: for ii in cpu_idle_result: if i[0] ==ii[0] and i[1] == ii[1] and i[2] == ii[2]: i[3]=int(i[3]) #msg.append([i[0],i[1],i[2],int(i[3]),ii[3]]) i.append(int(ii[3])) for iii in mem_avai_result: if i[0] ==iii[0] and i[1] == iii[1] and i[2] == iii[2]: i.append(round(float(iii[3]),2)) for iiii in mem_total_result: if i[0] ==iiii[0] and i[1] == iiii[1] and i[2] == iiii[2]: i.append(int(iiii[3])) for a in em2_in_result: if i[0] == a[0] and i[1] == a[1] and i[2] == a[2]: i.append(int(a[3])) if len(i) == 7: i.append(0) for b in em2_out_result: if i[0] == b[0] and i[1] == b[1] and i[2] == b[2]: i.append(int(b[3])) if len(i) == 8: i.append(0) cover_excel(msg,start_time)def main(): for i in range(7,0,-1): start_time=((datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days = i))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") end_time=((datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days = i-1))).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") run_select(start_time,end_time)if __name__ == "__main__": default_encoding = 'utf-8' if sys.getdefaultencoding() != default_encoding: reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding(default_encoding) if os.path.exists("/tmp/zabbix_log/") is False: os.mkdir("/tmp/zabbix_log/") conn=MySQLdb.connect(host='',user='zabbix',passwd='zabbix',port=3306,charset="utf8") cur=conn.cursor() conn.select_db('zabbix') wb = xlwt.Workbook() main() wb.save('/tmp/zabbix_log/chance_zabbix_monitor_hour_avg.xls') cur.close() conn.close() #follow is send mail server = {'name':'smtp.163.com', 'user':'ops_monitor', 'passwd':'xxxx', 'port':25} fro = 'xxx@163.com' to = ['xx@xx.com','244979152@qq.com'] now_time=((datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days = 1))).strftime("%Y/%m/%d") last_time=((datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days = 7))).strftime("%Y/%m/%d") subject = 'xx平台监控数据【%s-%s】'%(last_time,now_time) text = 'xx你好,附件是畅思平台最近一周每天20至24点平均值监控数据,请查收!\n有问题请联系邓磊.' files = ['/tmp/zabbix_log/chance_zabbix_monitor_hour_avg.xls'] send_mail(server, fro, to, subject, text, files=files)
00 14 * * 5 /usr/bin/python /data/software/zabbix_hour_avg_monitor.py